Student, nerd and enthusiast of all things.

On the internet. 

Why Physics Needs Philosophy

Here is the talk I performed for the most recent Physics in the Pub which was part of the Sydney Science Festival.

My hope with this talk was to address a set of interrelated issues relating to the physics community’s views surrounding philosophy. The take-home I tried to get across is that we aught to be more open minded about other fields and take what they say seriously. Not only would this just be the non-douchey thing to do, it would actually benefit physics to do so.

Special thanks to Petr Lebedev (@SciencePetr) for recording this for me, to Dr Phil Dooley (@philuponscience) for organizing and to the Australian Institute of Physics for their support of the event.


P.S. Fuck Lawrence Krauss, get his books out of my bookshops

Book Review: Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid